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- Angles – For any angle which contains at least one of the following Include List criteria with a single entity (example one trainer or one jockey), the back test will now calculate and display up to five years.
- FILTER: Track: Include Track List, FILTER: Track: Include Circuit List, PROFILE: Trainer: Include Trainer List, PROFILE: Jockey: Include Jockey List, PROFILE: Sire: Include Sire List, PROFILE: Dam: Include Dam List and PROFILE: Owner: Include Owner List.
- The back test results page will have buttons to select results for 5 years, 4 years, 3 years and 2 years in addition to the existing choices of 1 year, 6 months, 1 month and 2 weeks.
- In the True Odds module, added a button to re-apply the default set of Win % Probability Factors (based on race type) after manually adjusting sliders.
- Added the track condition include list criteria to case > last race and case > 2nd race back.
- Improved readability in Past Performance screen.
- Added additional criteria "Maiden Claiming to MSW" related to "Class Moves" and "2nd Time Wearing Blinkers" related to "Blinkers" category in Individual Research module.
- Added 30 new angles under the expert name ‘STATS2018’
- Added 4 additional criteria related to 'Surface' category in Individual Research module. Added ‘Angle-matched’ section in PDF version of Past Performances.
- Added angle criteria: Profile --> Trainer --> Second After Trainer Switch
- Added 4 additional angle criteria: Dirt (excluding All-Weather) to All-Weather, All-Weather to Dirt (excluding All-Weather), All-Weather to Turf, and Turf to All-Weather. Available in Profile --> Horse --> Surface; Stat --> Trainer --> Surface; Stat --> Jockey --> Surface; Stat --> Sire --> Surface; Stat --> Dam --> Surface
- Miscellaneous bug fixes & improvements.
- Added new angle criteria: Profile: Horse: Entry, AE, MTO: Part of Entry, Also Eligible, Main Track Only, Not Part of an Entry, Not an Also Eligible, Not a Main Track Only.
- Added more options to angle criteria: Case: Finish Position.
- Added more options to angle criteria: Case: Beaten Lengths at Finish.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes & improvements.
- Added angle criteria: Filter --> Class --> Exclude Statebred Races (consisting of all other races that are not state-bred restricted).
- Added angle criteria: Case --> 2nd Race Back --> Class (Similar to Case: Last Race: Class).
- Added angle criteria Filter: Class --> All Stakes.
- Added angle criteria Case: Last Race --> Age Restrictions and Case --> 2nd Race Back --> Age Restrictions.
- Added trainer changes details in lifetime PPs.
- Added the ability for customers who have purchased a Day Pass or an Individual Race Card to create up to 20 "user created" angles.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes & Improvements.
- Added a functionality: Ability to view the chart for a race (once available) in PPs, Research and True Odds.
- Added angle criteria: ‘Case: Last Race: Margin of Victory: =, =, >, < : nose, head, neck, 1/2, 3/4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8, 9, 10, 15’.
- Added angle criteria: ‘Case: 2nd Race Back: Margin of Victory: =, =, >, < : nose, head, neck, 1/2, 3/4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15'.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes & Improvements.
- Added angle criteria: "Case: 2nd Race Back: Trainer: Include Trainer List" to the angles module.
- For angle notification emails, added race number, horse name and program number.
- Improved print pdf functionality.
- Added additional colors to highlight pp line functionality in the Past Performances module.
- Added a new column 'ITM Adj Odds' in the True Odds module. ITM Adj Odds will contain 'In the money (1st, 2nd or 3rd) probability' calculated from Adjusted True Odds Win probability.
- Added two special alerts (Hot Pace alert and Lone Speed Leader alert) in the True Odds module.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes & Improvements.
- Added Key Race information to the Angle Search & Past performance (PPs) module. A race becomes key race when multiple horses have won their next race.
- Added angle criteria: Case: Key Race ? Last Race ? At Least Two Winners, At Least Three Winners, At Least Two Winners, etc.
- Added angle criteria: Case: 2nd Race Back ? At Least Two Winners, At Least Three Winners, etc.
- Added a new toggle row for Key Race for PPs template. Please go to Customize PPs ? Edit PPs template ? Create Conditional Formats ? Form ? Key Race (with radio buttons of Minimum # of Winners: 2 or 3). If at least three horses in a race have won their next start (two, if changed the radio button setting), it will highlight the race number in the running line as per the selected format.
- Added criteria to Case:2nd Race Back: Distance with specific distances
- Added criteria of 7 1/2 Furlongs and criteria of Max Distance (4 Miles) to Filter: Distance, Case: Last Race Distance: and Case: 2nd Race Back: Distance
- Added "3/4" as a margin to Case: Last Race: Finish Beaten Lengths and Case:2nd Race Back: Finish Beaten Lengths
- Miscellaneous bug fixes & Improvements
- Added angle criteria: Profile:Horse:Class:5 Points or More Up in CR
- Added angle criteria: Profile:Horse:Class:5 Points or More Down in CR
- Added angle criteria: Case: Equibase Speed/Pace Figures: Last Race Equibase Speed Figure: =: Highest in the Race
- Added angle criteria: Filter: Distance: One Turn Route
- Added angle criteria: Profile: Horse: Lifetime Earnings Per Start: Ranked: =, =, >, < : 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th
- Customize PPs - Added 'In the Money' to the "Finish Position" drop-down menu.
- Customize PPs - Added an option for filtered text (Red strike through).
- Added Stakes Grade in running line for Lifetime past performances (when accessed from Charts & Individual Research).
- Added scroll bar for individual and summary research drop down menus as needed.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes & improvements.
- Added access to STATS Race Lens Subscriber Forum
- Customize PPs - Added 'In the Money' to the "Finish Position" drop-down menu.
- Customize PPs - Added an option for filtered text (Red strike through).
- Miscellaneous bug fixes & Improvements.
- Added new angle criteria: Profile ? Horse ? Class ? Additional percentages other than 50% Claiming Tag Jump or 50% Claiming Tag Drop
- Added Individual Research to mobile version
- Added angle criteria: Case-->Last Race--> Purse: Less than or equal to $10,000, Greater than $10,00 and less than or equal to $20,000, Greater than $20,000 and less than or equal to $40,000, Greater than $40,000 and less than or equal to $60,000, Greater than $60,000, Greater than $100,000
- Added angle criteria: Profile: Horse: Track: First Time in North America, Second Time in North America
- Added angle criteria: Profile: Horse: Highest Late Pace Rating in the Race.
- Added angle criteria: Profile: Jockey: First Time Riding.
- Added angle criteria: Case:Last Race:Field Size: =, =, >, < : 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14.
- Added angle criteria: Profile:Horse:Surface:Second Time Turf.
- In charts, Name of a horse that wins its next start will be circled.
- Success Score and ROI are now available to angle mouse overs at home page and PPs.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes & Improvements.
- Added complimentary access to traditional (PDF) PPs from Equibase & TrackMaster.
- Added 10 new expert angles from Ellis Starr (Source "STARR”).
- Added 15 new expert angles from Laffit Pincay III (Source "PINCAY").
- Graded stakes graded designation (grade 1, grade 2, grade 3) added to race header, race text and in charts.
- Implemented an improved design to denote the count of existing 'Horse Notes' in PPs.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes & Improvements.
- Added angle criteria: Case-->Last Race-->Post Position
- Added angle criteria: Filter:Field Size (for Today's Race)
- Added angle criteria: Case-->Workout--> Added Within Last 2 Workouts, Within Last 3, Within Last 4, & Within Last 5
- Added a "Save As" functionality for user defined angles
- Added Customized Display criteria: "Suppress Situational Statistics and Summary Research in PPs" for PPs Templates.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes & Improvements.
- Added an interface within the True Odds module for user pre-sets. These filters can be used for different race types.
- Added new classification levels for user angles: Positive, Negative, or Neutral.
- Users can now have multiple criteria in the same angle for Case: Workout.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes & improvements.
- Added angle criteria: Case-->Workout-->Furlongs Per Day.
- Added 'Within 10 days ago, Within 35 days ago and Within 45 days ago' under criteria: Case-->Workout.
- Added Today's option in the drop down menu of Surface & Distance in Individual Research (Modify).
- Added 'Show All' feature in the Individual Research to display data for all players.
- Added Print Functionality for True Odds Grid and Pace Projection (All Races)
- Added a Search feature to the Filter Angles List on Home page.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes & Improvements.
- Added Print Functionality for Matched Angles List
- Added Print Functionality for True Odds Grid and Pace Projection (For single race)
- Added angle criteria: Profile-->Horse-->Post Position--> Outermost
- Added angle criteria: Profile-->Trainer-->Third After Claimed By
- Added angle criteria: Case-->Days Between Starts-->Third Career Start
- Added angle criteria: Profile-->Horse-->Not a First Time Starter
- Added option to view the Sire's PPs in Research
- Added option to view the Dam's PPs in Research
- Added "Workout, Not from the Gate" to the drop down menu of the column of Case:Workout
- Added "No Gate Workouts" to the drop down menu of the column of Case:Workout
- New Angle Criteria - 2nd Race Back on Surface (Case --> 2nd Race Back --> Surface...)
- New Angle Criteria - Jockey, Rode Last Race
- Added functionality to suppress a horse within the PPs module
- Added "Include All Stakes" option for Class menu within Summary & Individual Research
- Miscellaneous bug fixes & improvements
- New Angle Criteria - Last Race on Surface Type (Profile --> Horse --> Surface --> Last Race...)
- New Angle Criteria - Horse Reunited with Winning Jockey (Profile --> Jockey --> Horse Reunited...)
- New Angle Criteria - Maiden Winner Last Out (Profile --> Horse --> Wins --> Maiden Winner...)
- New Angle Criteria - 2nd Start Since Reported as Gelding (Case?Medication/Equipment/Gender --> 2nd Start Since...)
- New Angle Criteria - Include Track Condition List (Filter --> Track Condition --> Include Track Condition List)
- Added ‘Today’s Surface’ to PP line filters
- Misc. bugs & fixes
- Added ability to zoom & fit-to-screen within PPs
- Added ability to back-test angles directly from Home screen & PPs screen
- Improved organization & labeling of PP templates
- Summary & individual research changes now retained when printed
- Added "Off the Turf" and "Wet" research criteria (General --> Surface)
- Added new angle criteria (Profile --> Horse --> Class --> Claimed Back)
- Users can now have multiple criteria in the same angle with the same category item selected
- Misc. bugs & fixes
- Improvements made to Individual / Summary Result menu display
- Summary Research rows displayed in Horse Header in PPs (Today, JockTdy, SireTdy, and DamTdy) will display currently selected default stats from Summary Research
- New STATS Angle: Maiden, First Time Turf, Looking For Improvement is listed twice
- Added new Angle criteria (Profile -> Horse -> Trainer) for Lowest / Highest ML Odds of "Uncoupled" Entry
- Added new Angle criteria (Profile -> Horse -> Class) for First Time Back at Level of Most Recent Claim
- Added a brief Pace Synopsis below the Race Projection track diagram within True Odds
- Miscellaneous Bug fixes & improvements
- Added functionality to improve the readability of PPs (both on screen and printed)
- Improved spacing for printed PPs
- Added new angle parameter (listed under Case) for True Odds Win % & M/L Odds
- Added new angle parameter (listed under Profile) for Horse Run Style
- Added the ability for Free Race of the Day users to adjust True Odds probability sliders
- Added 10 new situational PP templates
- Misc. bug fixes & improvements
- Increased the number of default angles available to PayGo / Day Pass customers
- Added the ability for PayGo / Day Pass customers to manage angles
- Improved the experience of navigating from one race to another within PPs
- Updated the layout of the Manage Angles page & improved search functionality
- Printing improvements
- Added 5 new tutorial videos
- Improved video quality of race replays
- Misc. bug fixes
- Adjusted True Odds sliders to 5 pt. scale
- Added ability to print full cards
- Added 8 new video tutorials
- Added Individual Research PPs
- Misc. bug fixes
- Added Horse, Race, & Track Notes feature
- Fixed True Odds values for 1st time starters
- Added 15 new angles
Previous Release Notes
Version 1.90 (10.25.2018)
Race Lens brings it all into focus with a clear advantage over other handicapping products.
You'll have more stats, deeper insights, and a clearer picture of every facet of racing - all with an elegant, easy-to-use interface. Test theories and angles based on the most in-depth database in the business. Tag and customize past performance data in all-new ways, and use leading-edge predictive modeling to generate win probabilities.
This product contains the following
• Customized Past Performances
Customize past performances to display personalized information. The auto-highlighting feature “marks up” the important factors found in the PPs, eliminating all of the grunt work.• Summary & Individual Research
Records of trainers, jockeys, sires and dams can be filtered into categories to discover their strengths or weaknesses. Predetermined filters display situational statistics in the PPs.• Handicapping Angles & Back-Testing
Numerous combinations of criteria can be used to create favorite handicapping angles. The back-test feature helps determine how angles have performed over the last 365 days.• True Odds & Predictive Analysis
Unique algorithms predict how a race may unfold and which contenders will be there at the finish. Alter category weights to fit the most important handicapping requirements by race.• Advanced Search
Receive text, email, or in-app notification for upcoming wagering opportunities. -
Billing options for this product
- A la carte - No minimums, billed as used
single card $4.00
day pass $10.00 Includes all cards for a single day
- Unlimited subscription - No overages, unlimited usage
1 month $129.00
3 months $299.00
12 months $999.00
- Details
Information and explanations about this product- Detailed Description
Welcome To Race Lens
If you're the type of bettor who likes to gain insights that are verifiable and at the same time not necessarily in plain sight for everyone to see, you will love the revolutionary past performance product called Race Lens. It's the horse race handicapping tool that brings it all into focus with a clear advantage over other products.
Race Lens comes with a full complement of oustanding features:
- Customized PPs
Past performances are presented in familiar terms. You can view them with a variety of different templates, including ones created by Trackmaster and Equibase. Change the traditional layoff lines or replace fractional times with pace ratings, you are in full control.
- Summary & Individual Research
Like any good high-end handicapping product, situation-specific information about jockeys, trainers, sires and dams is at your fingertips merely by clicking the “research” tab. Clicking on the “gear” icon enables you to set up email and phone notifications when scratches, changes, entries and past performances are available, as well as matched angles as the case may be.
- Handicapping Angles & Back-Testing
Each available track has a “Matched Angles” alert, denoting how many angles are in play for that day's card. There are a handful of meaningful angles already built in, but whether you keep or change some or all of them is your choice. Create an “active” list and alerts appear next to any horse matching those parameters. You can use various filters involving track, surface and distance. What's more, tethered to the results of your combinations is a “Success Score,” a measure of statistical significance.
- Advanced Search
Race Lens elegantly facilitates back-testing theories, ideas and what-ifs over the past year, six months, one month or two weeks. This allows you to see if they're worth bothering with at all. Needless to say, this is a potential breakthrough for those with selective memories that harbor long-held decision-making biases about myriad handicapping adages.
- True Odds Predictive Analysis
Located just to the right of the tabs for past performances and research, when you click to access this section two displays will come up:
On the left is a rundown of all the contenders with their running style, morning-line odds, live odds and “True Odds,” which are weighted and formulated according to dozens of built-in algorithms. You can look at the True Odds as is, or adjust them on a sliding 1-to-5 scale according to factors such as speed, class, form, distance, pace, trainer and/or jockey, depending on the situation.
On the right is a race projection graphic that displays how the pace is deemed likely to unfold, using the standard saddle-cloth colors to map out every horses' position at each call from start to finish.
Used in conjunction, the adjustable odds and the race projection combine for a light-speed jump to the statistical upshot of a race. While not a substitute for full-dress handicapping, it has obvious implications for playing multiple tracks on the simulcast menu or cutting to the chase in fast-paced tournament play. At the very least, this feature is a terrific adjunct to one's own line-making and pace analyses.
- Feature Comparison
Race Lens Plan Comparison
Use this chart to compare the various billing plans and features included with each.
PER CARD DAY PASS SUBSCRIPTION Card Access Single Unlimited Unlimited Features Customized PPs ✔ ✔ ✔ PP XML File ✔ ✔ ✔ Customized Trainer / Jockey / Pedigree Stats ✔ ✔ ✔ True Odds Predictive Analysis ✔ ✔ ✔ Race Projection ✔ ✔ ✔ Search Handicapping Angles Limited* Limited* ✔ Create/Edit Handicapping Angles -- -- ✔ Back-Test Handicapping Angles -- -- ✔ *Limited on both Per Card and Day Pass options. For individual cards, angle search will only return results for specific track(s) purchased. For day pass cards, search results will be returned for all tracks on a specific day.
- Help
Help guides and technical support for this product-
Help Guide
Click the "?" icon located in the top right corner of the page at any time to view help overlays for the screen you are currently viewing.
- Webinars
- Notes
Release NotesCurrent Release Notes
View notes here when available
Previous Release Notes
Click here to view notes
For any issues to report, or general comments/questions about the product please email: RaceLensFeedback@Equibase.com